Liuttu Logistiikka
Liuttu Logistiikka is a company with a strong Finnish family business background. We offer quality logistic services for parcel transportation. The strong logistic skills and solid customer trust gained over the years create the base for our business.
We are a growing company with a will to evolve and we are constantly creating new value-adding services to our customers. The growth has made it possible for us to employ nearly two hundred people in different service chains. The general principles of Liuttu are customer orientation, flexibility, punctuality and high service quality. Our goal is to exceed our customers’ expectations, now and in the future.
You are always warmly welcome to travel with us!
Parcel transportation 0100 5041
(2,21 eur /min + regular charges)
Liuttu at Your Service
Liuttu Service – Our customer service for you
Our team is only a phone call away and we are here for you around the clock. You can be in touch with us when it best suits you.
We are specialized in passenger and parcel transportation services both in Pirkanmaa region and nationally. Our solution-oriented colleagues and carefully selected partners are at our aid. We have the courage to say that we will find the best possible solution for you.
We also work as a UPS service and parcel pick-up point. Our doors are open from Monday to Friday 8:00am – 8:00pm, but you can call us in advance and we will open the doors for you during other hours. A warm welcome!
Liuttu Logistics is a company with a strong Finnish family business background. We offer quality logistic services that combine both person and parcel transportation. The strong logistic skills and solid customer trust gained over the years create the base for our business.
You are always warmly welcome to travel with us!
Postal address: (PL 1) 33731 Tampere
Street address: Vehnämyllynkatu 22, 33560 Tampere
Business ID: 0996009-1
Billing address: Liuttu Logistiikka Oy, PL 1, 33731 Tampere
Billing details: Online Payment: FI5057327420038696 | Operator: OP-Pohjola Ryhmä | BIC: OKOYFIHH |
Lost items:
We try to find the right owner of the lost items first and the items without an owner will be sent to Pirkanmaan Löytötavaratoimisto (Pirkanmaa Lost&Found) every Monday (if we do not have the contact information of said lost items).
Premium Taxi, Premium passenger transportation and Charter service
0100 4041
Parcel transportation, logistic solutions
0100 5041
E-mail addresses:
0100-numbers 2,21 € / minute + regular charges
UPS service and pick-up point:
We are open on weekdays, Mon-Fri 08:00am – 8:00pm
Address: Vehnämyllynkatu 22, 33560 Tampere